DD v. Grewal (5th Cir. & 3rd Cir.)


You may have heard the Fifth Circuit recently reversed the district court in our Texas case against Gurbir Grewal and will allow our First Amendment suit against his wretched state laws to proceed. That opinion is below.

The Third Circuit held out for that decision in the Fifth and then issued a divided panel decision trying to get us to go away. I don’t think we’ll be making it that easy for them.

In the above opinion, note the ten page dissent. It is a good guide for the circus New Jersey is putting us through.

I’d also recommend you check out professor Blackman’s latest article on our legal efforts. This can be found here.

Regarding the Blue State Tax we announced last month, this is now official DD policy. Until New Jersey residents can keep their government to themselves, they will pay the tax.

If you would like to support this litigation, please join LEGIO.