DD v. Washington (9th Cir.) Dismissed

A one paragraph order from our panel in the Ninth Circuit.

Upon a review of the record, the briefing on the motion to dismiss, and the responses to the court’s June 19, 2020 order, we conclude that these appeals are moot because no present controversy exists as to which any effective relief may be granted to appellants.

This two-year railroading began with liberal attorneys general finding a liberal judge to illegally give them the standing to strip away our legal victory in Defense Distributed v. U.S. Dep’t. of State. When we appealed this obvious misuse of the forum, we learned that we were the ones that didn’t have the standing to bring a case. Funny how that works.

Of course we will now appeal to the entire Ninth Circuit, but further comment is now warranted.

The Liberator files were published seven years ago. They are still online at DEFCAD and anywhere else you care to look. We created Ghost Gunner to finance the supposed access every American has to the federal courts. Yet in these seven years the merits of our cases have never been heard. District judges invariably kick the can through procedural conceits and appellate panels delay and defer, refusing to review plain legal error made in open view. The SCOTUS is no friend. It allows Heller to rot.

This panel’s decision is past contemptible. It is an aggressive dereliction. I’m saying there is more rule of law in China. So on to the next phase of our operations.

Blue State Tax

I’m tired of paying the expenses Blue Staters have made us incur. In truth, no one in New Jersey deserves a Second Amendment. Neither does anyone in Washington. You’re not using it, and yet you make those of us working in Texas pay the highest of prices to advance it.

So if you want the benefits of our efforts, you’ll now pay the tax.