On Getting Supremed

For the second time in as many weeks, the Supreme Court had to intervene to rescue Biden’s “Ghost Gun” rule from the judgments of O’Connor and the Fifth Circuit. Defense Distributed’s injunctions were vacated twice! Winning hurts, and in our experience is one of the fastest ways to lose.

The press buried us everywhere. It makes all their quiet in our weeks of victory more conspicuous.

The Court’s second order comes without explanation or dissent.

I guess being “Supreme” means never having to issue an opinion.

So that’s it for kit guns by mail, at least for a couple of years. Can’t say we didn’t fight Old Man Biden. The only advice I have is that you have to aestheticize these kinds of reversals. Appropriate your defeats and integrate them with strong plastic powers. I gave a speech about this last month in Prague.

There’s a movie about our ten years of official defeat premiering in Austin tonight at AFS. It’s called Death Athletic.

If you would like to support these legal defeats, please join LEGIO.