Sacrum Mamurio

Mamurius Veturius is regarded by ancient custom as the smith who made the ancilia that hung in the temple of Mars, the war god. Because the Roman calendar originally began in March, Mamurius rituals once marked the transition from the old year to the new in antiquity.

We have much to thank the war god for this March. He humbles all corporate gun control before our Legion in one week.

In VanDerStok v. Garland, Judge O’Connor delivers an injunction to Defense Distributed. The document follows. This is not just a blow to ATF, who pushed a new definition of “firearm” at their peril. It is also a defeat for Giffords, who were the agents of this illegal attempt to expand the Gun Control Act through the APA process. Their lobbying and regulatory laundry has now spectacularly backfired, and I’m going to personally send them a card and fruit basket.

In Everytown v. DEFCAD, the parties have reached a settlement. According to the terms of that settlement I will say, on behalf of DEFCAD, we are gratified that we were able to work with the parties to reach a resolution and bring this matter to a close. Some words of admonition are warranted for two of our co-defendants, who lost their nerve and composure in this fight. But fear makes men restless. They fall to shouting at night to keep up their courage.

Brady’s cases against Ghost Gunner and the rest of the 80 percent industry connected to the Tehama shooting have also been settled in Orange County, California. Some four years in, Brady admits they never had a case to begin with, and are now rightly being sued by some of the victims’ families for being taken on a ride.

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