VanDerStok and a New Contract

VanDerStok v. Garland, the federal case against the ATF’s new frame and receiver rule, has ended with a summary judgment for the plaintiffs. The ATF noticed its appeal to the Fifth Circuit today.

This is the first federal court case that Defense Distributed has been a party to *and* won. In ten years, one win.

Which goes to show there are many more ways to win than officially winning.

We at DD would like to thank our Legionnaires, many thousands strong after all this time, for your contribution and attention. We’d like to thank Jennifer VanDerStok, Tactical Machining and the FPC as well. VanDerStok went from being an outside shot among many attacks against the ATF frame and receiver rule, to an iconic decision against ATF overreach.

This is a great time, however, to remind those new to our movement that even in the wake of decisions like Bruen and VanDerStok, which are emotionally satisfying if only because they make sense of the law and the institutions, federal cases in guns and gun technology are desperate ground. The judiciary is overwhelmingly stacked against us.

Maybe we can talk about it at Bear Arms N Bitcoin 2023, which has recently opened for registration in Austin.

Anyway, as a Defense Distributed tradition, we release new private defense contracts with the public when we win lawsuits. Though I’m proud of our G0 release and its reception with the DIY pistol community, we’ve got a special piece of technology to show you in August.

You’re going to love it. Thank you for building our company for ten years.
